Dome of the Rock
This was a painting for a beautiful soul, she commissioned this piece of the dome of the rock.
The B R I E F was as follows;
“The mosques are where the prophets prayed together and where prophet Mohammad pbuh ascended to heaven so it's almost like it's a gateway into the sky, or a gateway to the afterlife/ another world. One of the many doorways you could say In a land of guardians. The land at the beginning and then the end”
C O L O U R S - Dark blues, emerald greens, mustard yellow, blue black, copper, light grey, white. The brief was always open for interpretation, the client didn’t want any pressures on producing something that was taken word for word and wanted an open brief (this is always a good decision as I feel as creators it produces the best outcome from us)
The C O N C E P T - The client loved the paint pour marbelling technique, so we decided to use this for the painting. The dome was angled so it appears as if you are looking at it from below into the sky. There are many aspects to the painting some which are depicted through the different techniques used in the marbelling. The marbelling just above the dome gives the illusion of a ‘downpour’ this is the eternal rain of blessings upon Al Aqsa. The gaps between the gold leaf tiles where you can see through the dome to the marbelling signifies the ‘encompassing’ of blessings on Al Aqsa. The marbelling at the bottom of the dome which has earthy colours is cracked. This represents ‘mankind’ and its illusions of perfection, all grasping to hold onto and own a heavenly A S C E N S I O N.